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Krista Bloome

For as long as I can remember I’ve sought ways to support people in their self-determination. It’s what inspired me to become a coach; the opportunity to be a companion guide for those exploring their inner world as they connect to their clarity, purpose and personal power.


My passion and interests have always centered around people, especially the underdogs, the ones who have in some way been shut down or shut out. I’ve found through my experience with marriage and parenting, deep inner work, academics, social service work, even a career in marketing and advertising, continual opportunities to deepen my understanding of the human condition.


I am a seasoned leader with a lifelong passion for upholding the dignity and inherent value of all beings. As a flamenco dancer,  I bring creativity, resilience and rhythmic attunement to the dynamic of discovery and healing that is Integral Coaching. My approach to coaching is grounded in warmth, deep listening, playfulness and curiosity, holding spaciousness and belonging as my prime directives. I have served in the Peace Corps doing community development and new volunteer training. I hold an MBA from The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and an Integral Coach certification from New Ventures West.


I am here to partner with you in the service of your own healing and purpose.

Training and Professional Background

My training spans the results-oriented and strategic (MBA), the humanities (history, anthropology) and the fostering of human understanding and belonging (PCC).

Integral Coach certification, New Ventures West


Coaching Continuing Education coursework includes:

Somatics, Enneagram, Inner Critic,

 Mindfulness, Moral Leadership, Race and Coaching,

Anti-Oppression Facilitation Fundamentals, Positive Intelligence


Visit my linkedin profile.


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